Daily Inspiration

Yesterday we lost one o …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Yesterday we lost one of the best people that lived in our lifetime. Elie Wiesel was a holocaust survivor who lived through the horrors of Aushwitz and Buchenwald. Nevertheless after the war he decided to be the voice of all those who didn’t survive and keep their memory alive. He was a humanitarian who always fought towards bettering the lives of those who suffered injustice by not keeping quiet and fighting for what is right. I had the great fortune to meet him personally and I was able to thank him for being an inspiration of strength and keeping the memory alive of the 6 Million Jews that lost their lives in the Shoah. He was very passionate in educating the younger generations on what anti tolerance and bigotry could do to a society. His respect towards human life was immense and his gratitude towards life was admirable. Elie Wiesel chose to make a difference in his life by living with responsibility for the lessons learned in his journey. This year he was visited by Wizo Fl, a non profit organization that helps the less fortunate children and women of Israel, and he said ” always do more, don’t ever stop, we have to always do more.” May his life be and example to follow and his memory be of blessing.
Shavuah Tov! Wishing everyone a blessed week!
Live a little higher

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