Daily Inspiration

Usually I don’t p …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Usually I don’t post twice in one day, but got this post from @humansofjudaism and loved it!!!!! Every night we have a different Ushpizin (guest) come to visit every Sukkah. The first night we have Abraham who’s is connected to the Sefira of Chessed (Kindness), the second night we have Isaac who is connected to the Sefira of Gevurah( boundaries, judgement, strictness), the third night we have Jacob who represents the Sefira of Tiferet (Harmony, Beauty, Balance), the fourth night we have Moshe Rabenu who represents the Sefira of Netzach ( endurance, resilience, never giving up), the fifth night we have Aaron Hacohen who represents the Sefira of Hod(humility), the sixth night we have Yosef HaTzadik who represents Yesod( bonding and the seventh and final night of Sukkot we welcome King David who represents Malchut ( nobility, kingship).
Every night in the Sukkah we are drawing down these energies for the rest of the year represented by each one of our forefathers. In Rosh Hashana we are coronating our King, on Yom Kipur we are elevating with our prayers earth to heaven and on Sukkot we bring the blessings that where given to us for the year on Yom Kipur down to earth by having unity, joy and our dwelling and eating in the Sukkah, which is known as the Hug of G-d.
Chag Sukkot Sameach

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