Tonight Is Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh Elul. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi said “The King is in the Field” explaining it with a parable of a King that lives in a Palace and for the common people to have access to him need to get an appointment, but once a year the King goes out of his Palace and meets everyone in the field.
This alluded to the month of Elul, when H”S is more accessible to us. This doesn’t mean that He is not a prayer away the rest of the year, what it means is that we ourselves are more in tune with Him at this time and the moment is auspicious to ask for all our needs.Elul is a month to take stock of the past year and see where we are in our lives and where we are going in preparation for the upcoming holidays of Roshashana and Yom Kipur.
The field alludes to the work place where business takes place, meaning that even in your busiest time G-d is waiting for you.
Shabbat Shalom and Rosh Chodesh Tov
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