Daily Inspiration

Today we count the 44th …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Today we count the 44th day of the Omer with “Gevurah She Be Malchut” (Discipline within Kingship).
This combination of these sefiros helps us recognize that everything comes from H”S and it’s not random. If G-d wouldn’t care about us He wouldn’t let us know that we are not in the right path, it is a direct message from G-d that allows us to examine which areas of our lives need to improve.
Be self contained. Don’t want something that is not yours. Learn to appreciate everything in your life. H”S has given you exactly what you need to be able to fulfill your purpose in the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of your life to better serve Him.
Don’t allow yourself to get angry. Anger is the same as serving other gods. It is useless and the only thing it creates is chaos and pain. If you need to discipline your child do it purely for the sake of the good of the child, not to take out your frustrations on him. If you disagree with someone verbally do it because you think they have made an error, not because you feel insulted or can’t accept you can also be wrong.
Always look at your motivations, what drives you? If it is your Ego then we need to work on that. Try to always be motivated to act in accordance and ultimately for the sake of Heaven.
Some excerpts taken from the book “Sefiros” by Rabbi Yaacov Haber

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