Daily Inspiration

Today we count the 40th …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Today we count the 40th day of the Omer with “Hod shebe Yesod” (Humility within Foundation).
What is really free will? Do we really have free will? If G-d is Omnipresent and can see the past, the present, and the future all at the same time, then how can we have free will?
The Torah, which is a tree of life,is what let’s us know what is G-d’s will. With it we can know how G-d wants us to think, speak, and act. It is eternal and before the world was created the Torah came first, it is the blueprint of creation. That been said, the only free will we have is if we choose to follow G-d’s ways or our ways.
The Sages teach “If you make G-d’s will your will then He will make your will His will.” What does this mean? To understand this, we first need to know that we have two souls inside ourselves, a G-dly soul and an animal soul. This two souls are like two kings trying to rule the same kingdom. Both can’t rule at the same time, it’s either one or the other. The G-dly soul, which mamesh its a spark of G-d contained in you, only wants to do G-d’s will, it is selfless and Divine. The animal soul, on the other hand, is selfish, egocentric, impulsive and very animalistic.
The combination of humility within foundation helps us recognize the G-dly spark within us and give it strength.
So free will really means to want to be close to G-d or to want to be far away from G-d. That choice alone G-d left it for us to choose. So if we make “G-d’s will our will, he will make our will His will,” means that if we choose His will at the end it is our will too because our G-dly soul is really who we are, it is our essence and true self and His will really is one and the same with our will.
#countingoftheomer #freewill

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