Daily Inspiration

Today we count the 34th …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Today we count the 34th day of the Omer with “Yesod shebe Hod” (Foundation within Humility). This powerful duo is what allows us to recognize and be grateful for our many blessings. Look at the food your eating and think how the entire world came together to provide you with your dinner. Tonight, on Shabbat, meditate on how that delicious red wine that is being used for Kiddush came to be.
First someone had to plant a seed, then a vine had to grow, then the grapes had to emerge, then they had to ripen, someone had to pick them up, afterwards they had to be crushed to make the wine, then the wine was stored in barrels for it to ferment, then someone had to bottle it, put a stamp on the bottle, sell it and distribute it. Ship it to the store, be arranged, you had to buy it or someone brought it for you, etc… We could trace every little thing that went into making that wine, and everything, and everyone needed to produce it and at the end we would recognize that without the seed, the tree, and every material involved this would of not been possible without H”S Divine intervention. This meditation is mind boggling and it really makes us so appreciative of everyone and everything around us.
Tonight when you sit down to enjoy your Shabbat meal make sure to be extra grateful to H”S and the person who prepared it so you can enjoy!
#countingoftheomer #shabbatshalom #humility

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