Daily Inspiration

Today we count the 30th …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Today we count the 30th day of The Omer with “Gevurah She Be Hod” (Discipline in Humility).
One of the greatest strengths is to control ones speech. The Torah is very strong on how we should conduct our speech. It’s incredible that the tongue has no bones but it does have a lot of strength. We even have two gates to guard it; our lips and teeth. We should never go around doing “rechilus” (gossip) for this can destroy a person. So many people have even killed themselves because of something that was said about them. It takes tons of humility and restrain so we can accomplish this task. I know it’s not easy, specially when we live in close knit communities. But it is not impossible to achieve. With awareness and compassion towards others it can be done.
Always ask yourself before talking these three things: 1. Is it good for the other? 2. Is it good for me? 3. Is it good for the one that is listening? If the answer is NO to any of them, then make this big effort and don’t say anything.
In Colombia there is a saying “Por la boca muere el pez” (through the mouth the fish dies). When we are able to control this character trait we not only bring healing to the world but we also create good angels that will protect us.

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