Daily Inspiration

This week we read the s …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

This week we read the second Parashah of the book of Bereshit “Noah.” It begins by telling us that Noah was a “righteous man, faultless in his generation.” Rashi explains this verse by quoting two opinions:some sages say that the Torah is teaching us that Noah was very righteous, even though most people in his generation were wicked, and that had he been alive in the time of other Tzadikim, he would of been even more righteous. Other sages maintain that the Torah is teaching us that Noah was considered righteous only in comparison to the people of his generation, but he been alive in the generation of Abraham Avinu he would not have been considered special.
The Zohar discusses the difference between Noah and Moshe Rabbeinu. The difference lies in that Moshe prayed for the people of his generation and beseeched H”S to forgive them, while Noah did nothing for them, he didn’t try to teach them G-d’s ways and for sure he didn’t pray that they should be saved from the flood.
This Parashah teaches us how important it is to care for each other. Even if a person is not living a worthy life it is our job to at least pray that they should change their ways. Imagine that we are a long necklace that is attached by links, each one of us is a link and we are as strong as the weakest link. Our job is to strengthen each other because if one person is lacking we all are lacking.

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