Daily Inspiration

This week we begin with …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

This week we begin with the book of Vayikra (Levicitus), the third book of the Five Books of Moses. Parashah”Vayikra” (He called), refers to how G-d called Moses to come into the Tabernacle after it had been erected on the 1st of Nissan 2449 BC and the Shechinah (Divine presence) had descended upon it.
The book of Vayikra is dedicated to the different animal sacrifices that went on in the Mishkan and learning it from a human perspective is very hard to understand and connect to. But understanding it in a more profound level gives us a whole different perspective of what H”S wants from us.
There is a verse that says: “When a person of you brings an offering to the Almighty…” (Vayikra 1:2). Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch esplains that the word “Korban”, which is the word we use for “sacrifice” really doesn’t mean that. A sacrifice is something of value that you give up for the benefit of someone else. The word “offering” would also not make justice for the word “Korban”. An offering is like a gift, again it is benefiting the receiver.
The word “Korban” is only used in man’s relation to G-d, and its meaning can only be understood from its root “Karov,” which means to approach, to come near. The only purpose of a “Korban” is the desire to draw close to H”S, and this is achieved when we get rid of our EGO’s by nullifying the animal in us.
Life’s happiness rises and falls depending on our proximity or distance from G-d. As closer your relationship with Him the higher level of happiness you will experience regardless your life circumstances at the moment.
Rosh Chodesh Tov

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