Daily Inspiration

This week we begin read …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

This week we begin reading Parashah “Bo” (come), “And Moshe and Aharon came to Pharaoh and they said to him, this is what the Almighty, The Lord of the Hebrews said, how long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Let my people go and they shall serve Me.”(Shemot 10:3)
Rabainu Bachya wrote in his commentary that H”S request a person to submit his will to His will and this takes humility.
Pharaoh was the epitome of an arrogant person and just like him unfortunately, there are many people that cause themselves problems in life because of their arrogance. It took ten horrible plagues and a lot of suffering for everyone for him to let the Jewish people go.
A person with humility will avoid quarrels, he prefers to keep quiet and let the issue go than to engage in a fight. The arrogant person on the other hand, prefers to prove his point no matter what answering in an attacking manner.
A person with humility will ask forgiveness when he has wronged someone, even if he feels that the other person is more to blame than himself. The arrogant will never ask forgiveness even if he knows it is his fault.
A person with humility will reach out to others when he needs help. The arrogant person will feel it is beneath his dignity to show that he has any weakness and he will prefer to suffer rather than belittle himself.
In reality the humble is strong and the arrogant is weak, even though it would seem the other way around.

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