Daily Inspiration

This Shabbat we have a …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

This Shabbat we have a double celebration with Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the first month in the JEWISH calendar.
In a letter written by the Rebbe on the 11th of Nissan 5733(April 13,1973) addressed to the Sons and Daughters of our people Israel, everywhere-G-d Bless you all!!!
He sends a beautiful message explaining that the concept of “Divine Providence” is continuously active, every day and in every detail of our lives, and that supernatural (miraculous) Divine Providence (Hashagacha Pratit) is not limited only to open and revealed miracles, but that also in ordinary daily life there is miraculous intervention, except that “the one to whom a miracle occurs does not recognize his miracle.”
The month of Nissan is an example of the supernatural open and revealed miracles that the Jewish people experienced in their exodus from Egypt. Purim, on the other hand, is an example of the concealment of G-d and the miracles would seem to be the natural way of the world. Either way, H”S is always there, openly revealed or behind the scenes. It is up to us to see the hand of G-d in everything in our lives.
If you want to read the Rebbe’s letter go to www.chabad.org and look for “Nissan:Month of Miracles”
#shabbatshalom #roshchodesh #nissan #miracles

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