Daily Inspiration

The Torah tells us to w …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

The Torah tells us to work and build the world. To live is to create. “Beloved is man who is created in the Image of G-d” (Pirkei Avot 3:18).
When H”S created the world he left it unfinished, out of love for us he wanted to be partners and allow us to complete His handiwork.
And this is why H”S gave us the Torah, the Blueprint of Creation, the arquitectural plan as to speak that would give us the knowledge to understand what He wants.
“We are to honor Shabbat, to delight in Shabbat, and to dwell with the Shechina (Divine presence) revealed in Shalom Bayit (Peace in the home).
To be able to delight with the Shechina one must delight with his family. For the Jew family is where everything is.
The Shabbat table is a microcosm of the world to come, in which Shalom is the energy that permeates the home. The family feels serene and the hearts are filled with joy. The beautiful baked challahs, the wine waiting to be blessed, the best china and silverware, beautiful flowers and tablecloth accentuate the sublime majesty of that day reflected in the glowing candles that are the perfect touch to enhance the feeling of love and peace.
Everything comes in through our five senses and on Shabbat we are transported to a very special place that shows us what H”S intended for us when He first created the world.
Painting by @raananart

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