Daily Inspiration

“The Torah teache …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

“The Torah teaches us that not only there is life after death, but there is also life before death”
H”S tells us choose life!!!! People can live or merely exist. To exist is to take space, you wake up, drink coffee, go to the gym, drink coffee, work, carpool, etc… But to live is to take all this things and make them meaningful, wake up and say a blessing thanking G-d for another day, drink coffee and say a blessing thanking H”S for that delicious and comforting drink, work out and marvel about the power of your body and how good it feels to be able to move, work and give part of it to Tzedakah (charity) and help someone in need, carpool and thank H”S for having a car that takes you places and appreciate the time with your kids!!!” That is living! Choose life

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