Daily Inspiration

The book of “Gene …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

The book of “Genesis” is full of lessons on how to be a descent and a holier person. In the Parashah of “Vayeira” we encounter the episode of when G-d destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gemora. These places used to sodomite the people who would pass by. They would salt their food to the extreme that they couldn’t eat it, they would give death sentences to those who would give charity to the poor or do any kindness to anyone. G-d decided to destroy this cities because the evil the people committed were part of the lands law. Once a place gets so accustomed to this horrible practices that they see it as part of the law, then G-d decides that they don’t have a place anymore in this world.
What made Abraham so great is that he pleaded with G-d that if there would be 50 righteous people to please forgive them, and there were not 50 righteous people, then 40,30,20,10,1 and no one was righteous. Only Lot (Abraham’s nephew)and family were spared. Only Lots wife who looked back to see the destruction was made into a pillar of salt.
Rabbi Meir Simcha HaCohen explains that there is absolute good and good in relationship to evil. What he is saying is that if you are very idealistic and perfectionist and therefore feel like a failure because you are not in the high level you wish you were, remember that in comparison to the majority of the world you are righteous and this will prevent you from becoming depressed. But if you look around and others are in such a low level you could feel arrogant, then you must focus on where you stand in absolute terms and look at the highest ideals you will regain your humility.
As we say in Colombia:” don’t feel like the last coca-cola in the desert.”

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