Daily Inspiration

Shavuah Tov! Wishing ev …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Shavuah Tov! Wishing everyone a happy,healthy and safe week.
Tomorrow the 21st of August a very awaited day for the many enthusiasts on the mysteries of creation, will be experiencing the much awaited solar eclipse which will start near Lincoln City,Oregon at 1:15 pm EDT, and totally will end at 2:48pm EDT near Charlestown,S.C.
According to Tzvi Freeman in his article “The Kabbalah of The Solar Eclipse” (Chabad.org) he explains that “if you can observe it, recognize it and understand it, it must be found somewhere in you.”
The truth of each thing is the lesson it comes to teach you. Because if a thing enters your world, there could only be one reason. So that your soul could better fulfill the mission for which it was created.
In the Perek Shira (Chapter of Song), there is a song for every creation praising the Creator, in the song for the sun in a time of an eclipse it says “The sun is saying: the sun when covered by the moon, stood in its abode;they walked to the light of your arrows, and by the shine of your glittering spear.”
Rabbi Moshe Ben Yosef di Trani (The Mabit) a Kabbalist from the 16th century in Tzfat said: “The sun sings its praises to G-d for the bad just as for the good. Even as it’s struck by the moon standing before it, blocking its light, the sun remains in its place with all its light. It is only that the moon interposed between us and that light.
The moon on the other hand, is not that way. When the earth stands between the moon and the sun, it has no light, for all its light is from the sun.”
Everything is for the good, this is the message tomorrow. Even if we can’t see the light, we just need to remove the veil that conceals it by being like the moon, a reflection of H”S light in this world.

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