Daily Inspiration

Shavuah Tov! Wishing ev …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Shavuah Tov! Wishing everyone a blessed week.
Today we enter the seventh and last week of the Omer with the ruling sefira of “Malchut” (Kingship).
Malchut is different from the other six sefiros because it encompasses all the other ones. Malchut is like the plate that holds the food.
Malchut is represented in the seventh day of creation, the day of rest, which reveals the whole purpose of creation, which is to acknowledge G-d’s sovereignty over all creation.
Today we count the 43rd day of the Omer with “Chesed shebe Malchut” (love and kindness within Kingship).
Once we recognize that our abilities and obligations come from G-d, we can say: “For my sake the world was created.”
The combination of Chesed shebe Malchut helps us see that G-d created the world with kindness. Every creation has a significant purpose and a vital role to play in His Kingdom. Every action we do is significant. This is why it is of upmost importance that everyone should love himself and understand that there are no two people alike because each one of us is like a piece of a puzzle which completes the rest.
If there is one thing to teach our children is that they matter, not only to you, but they are an integral part of the Divine purpose for humanity.
In Mishlei 14:28 it says:”Berov Am Hadras Melech,”(with many people is the King’s honor). G-d’s Glory is shown more clearly when many people serve Him together.
We are here together in this wonderful experience called LIFE. We are here to help each other and help ourselves.
#countingoftheomer #wematter #everyonematters

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