Daily Inspiration

Shavuah Tov! Wishing ev …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Shavuah Tov! Wishing everyone a blessed week. Keeping with the theme of Adar on “Happiness”, people who are mindful in their lives and see the good in every situation are always happy because they know that what is going on comes from H”S and He is doing it in your best interest. The important thing is to do H”S will.
There is a story told of Rabbi Zusha of Anapoli and his brother Rabbi Elimelech were they where put into jail in a town that they where visiting. Since they looked poor the police thought they had come to steal. Once they where put into their cell Rabbi Elimelech started crying because it was the time to pray the afternoon prayers (Mincha) and he couldn’t pray because there was a letrine in the cell and it smelled bad and JEWISH law prohibits to pray in a place that smells bad. So he was inconsolable. His brother Zusha said “Elimelech, why are you crying? The same G-d that tells us to pray Mincha is the same G-d that tells us to refrain from praying in a smelly place, either way you are doing G-d’s will.” At that moment Rabbi Elimelech got so happy and they started dancing and singing. The guards came to see what was happening. Another prisoner said to them that first they wanted to pray and then they started to cry and when they realized they couldn’t pray because of the smelly place they started to sing and dance. So the guards took them out and put them in a clean cell.

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