Daily Inspiration

Shavuah Tov!!! Wishing …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Shavuah Tov!!! Wishing everyone a blessed and very productive week.
Yesterday we celebrated Rosh Chodesh Shevat (the new month of Shevat). The tribe that rules this month is the tribe of Asher, he was the son of Zilpah, the hand maid of Leah. For Leah life itself was most important. She placed the creation of life above her own interests. Not only was she able to accept another barrier between her and Jacob, but in utmost joy she declared “Ashreini (how happy Am I), as she named him Asher.
The biggest quality of Asher and later his tribe was that he was truly happy with his lot, for as Pirket Avot (Ethics of the Father’s) says: “Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot.”
The energy of this month is auspicious in reevaluating our relationship with materialism. What do we honestly need in order to live creative and productive lives?
According to the Oral Torah, the people of Asher never showed their age because they nurtured only that which was eternal within. They took care of their loved ones and put the importance in what really mattered never looking or wanting what others had. Their richness came from their appreciation of their many blessings, never needing to wander, to seek and search. They were happy with their lot. They produced olive oil and lived from that. They were such genuine happy people that their children were exceptional. Rashi comments that the High Priests sought the daughters of Asher in marriage and they were anointed.
They were beautiful from the inside out, full of modesty and good midots (character traits) and this was why they were much wanted to build homes of nobility.
We might as well take advantage of this month’s energy and work on Living Happy with our many blessings, appreciating those around us and refining our character traits and in this way we will emulate this wonderful way of life.

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