Daily Inspiration

Reb Mendel M’Riminov …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Reb Mendel M’Riminov said that today in Parasha Beshalach we read the portion of the Manna and it’s a segula for parnasah (livelihood), it can be found in http://yadlachim.org/?CategoryID=201&ArticleID=793.
“G-d told Moses (to tell the people);the people will go out and gather each day’s portion on that day.”(Shemot 15:27-16:10)
The Manna fell from heaven every day and on Erev Shabbat it would fall a double portion for the Shabbat. If a person would take more than his portion for the day it would rot, if he would take less miraculously when he looked he would have the exact portion.
The lesson of the Manna is that even though we believe everything is in G-d’s hand, we still think that our own efforts also play a role in acquiring our sustenance. Yes it’s true we need to work, but working doesn’t bring the parnasah, what working does is that it creates the vessel for the parnasah to be able to fall.
The Manna was not acquired through human effort, the only thing they had to do was to go out and acquire it.
By doing this for forty years H”S was preparing the Jews to enter into the Land of Israel and understand that human effort and G-d’s blessing work together.
The idea of the Manna enhances our appreciation of our blessing which allows us to enjoy what we have.

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