Daily Inspiration

Rashi tells us that the …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rashi tells us that the women had a very special skill, they were able to spin the threads for the yarn that was used to weave the drapes of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) directly off the goats, in order to produce wool of exceptional quality.
These women understood that the fact that G-d had endowed them with this special gift indicated that they were meant to use it for holy purposes, and this is exactly what they did.
Similarly, everyone is endowed and blessed with special qualities and talents, which in reality are Divine gifts.
We too need to recognize that this Divine gift must be utilized in our mission and purpose in life. In this way, we too will be part in constructing a dwelling place for G-d in this world and bringing our unique and special gift to the world adding to it our Torah learning, observing G-d’s Commandments, and act of love and kindness.
Some excerpts taken from “Daily Wisdom”
From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

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