Daily Inspiration

Parashah “Vayeitzei …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Parashah “Vayeitzei” begins with the journey of Jacob to Haran, where his mother sent him to go and find a wife from the daughters of her brother Lavan.
He first stoped on Mount Moriah where he went to sleep and had the famous dream in which he saw a vision of angels ascending and descending a ladder to heaven. When he awoke, realizing the intrinsic holiness of the place, he vowed that if G-d would protect him in Haran and enable him to return both physically and spiritually unharmed, he would consecrate this site as the future place for the Temple.
Jacob’s prayer teaches us a lot of how we need to ask H”S for our needs, “provide me with bread to eat and clothing to wear…”
When we ask we need to also add why we need it. H”S can fill our refrigerator with food, but it could be that we can’t eat it, G-d forbid, because we are sick. Also we can have a closet full of clothes, but again, we can’t enjoy them.
When asking to G-d for our needs and desires remember to be specific in how you ask so our intentions are aligned with our needs, always trying to find the need to serve H”S with what we ask for.

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