Daily Inspiration

Parasha “Masei …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Parasha “Masei” means JOURNEYS. Through the 40 years in the desert the Jewish People went through 42 Journeys. Our sages teach us that every person goes through 42 journeys in their lifetime. Life is not meant to be static and unchangeable. Life is in constant movement in which one journey takes you to the next.
Moshe Rabbeinu wrote of their journeys, focusing on the final destination which was to arrive to the Land of Israel. Each Journey took them to different places, sometimes it took them backwards and they had to encamp in the same place as before. The journeys were not straight lines and sometimes they felt stuck for a long time in the same place, but at the end that journey ended and a new one began.By this Moshe wanted to impart a very valuable lesson: there is no journey without a “motza,” an exit, if we traverse it everything is by H”S decree. When a person is on the middle of a journey which has a lot of struggles and ups and downs he might think this is forever, but this Parashah teaches us otherwise, when you are in a dark cave and can’t see the light you can’t imagine there is an exit to that darkness, but Moshe Rabbeinu comforts us, and this is specially true in these three weeks of mourning, he says: “Listen, you are on a journey and there will be an end from which you will emerge and reach the destination, just keep on going!”

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