Daily Inspiration

One of the biggest self …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

One of the biggest self insecurities we all face is when we are not appealing to someone else. It has happened to all of us regardless how cool you are. You walk into a party and there is a group of people you know, you approach them to say hi and suddenly someone just ignores you. We are left with an awkward feeling . Some will think there is something wrong with them and some will think “that person really stinks” and this will get them upset. Regardless of the situation the Torah teaches us “Asei shel veajabta lereeja camoja”, “Love your fellowman as yourself”. What does this really mean? How in the world can I love someone like myself? Our sages teach us that to love someone like ourselves means to not judge them, just like we are kind with ourselves and we are always justifying our actions, this is the way we should be towards others. In my life I have found this quote to be very helpful in not judging others and accepting that not everyone clicks with everyone and most important, that it is OK!!! I can live with this and not feel bad when someone else doesn’t make me feel good because at the end of the day, the way you feel was how you made yourself feel and not someone else. We never know what the other person is feeling at that moment and most likely the way you perceive it has nothing to do with you in the first place.So next time it happens to you, instead of reacting just stop, breath deep and think ” maybe he/she is just going through a bad day and just smile.

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