Daily Inspiration

In this week’s To …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

In this week’s Torah Portion”Ki Tavo” (You Come).
Moses final address to his people, before he passed away on the 7th of Adar he enumerates eleven curses that would happen to the Jewish people if they don’t follow the Torah and then he enumerates the blessings that will come to us if we listen to the voice of G-d.
In order to receive G-d’s blessings we need to prepare vessels for them to come to us. By following the Torah and doing Mitzvahs we become recipients of His blessings and earning them through our merits. The “curses” on the other hand could also be seen as blessings in disguise “For H”S is all good and nothing bad can come from Him.”
When we are put in a tough situation it is only so we can reveal our inner essence, so H”S does it for our own benefit. For example: a person that has never seen a doctor or hospital in his life is taken into an operating room, he will think that the doctor is an assassin that is ready to knife a person, but then he is explained that the doctor is really saving this person’s life and he is operating him to remove something that is putting his life in danger. The same is with G-d, He is the surgeon and we are the patients. Sometimes we have to be put through physical and emotional pain in order to save us from our ego that is trying to harm us.
So in truth there is no curses, it is all in our Perception of the world, once we change our lenses and see with the eyes of truth we will be able to see the blessing that was hidden and there all the time.
“The blessing is to see the blessing”
Live a little higher

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