Daily Inspiration

In this week’s To …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

In this week’s Torah portion “Korach,” there is a very important lesson for the women.
We see how Korach’s wife was ambitious and resentful. She felt that her super qualified husband had been stepped on because he hadn’t been given a leadership role. Instead of making him see of all the good he already had by being a Levi, very learned, respected, wealthy and that his greatness didn’t come from a job but of his own intrinsic connection to G-d, she empowered him to form a rebellion which at the end destroyed everything.
On the other hand, we see that the wife of On ben Pelet, who was a follower of Korach, recognized this false path and as the Midrash relates how she convinced him that going with Korach was a very bad idea because he would be a nobody anyways and he had nothing to gain, so she prepared a delicious dairy meal for him and gave him wine. He got so tired that he had to go to sleep missing the rebellion. In this way she was able to save themselves from sure death.
This shows us one dimension of womanhood: her power to persuade. She can build her home or destroy it, everything depends on her values. A woman is also given “Bina” (understanding), the ability to see beyond falsehood and discover the path which is good and true.

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