Daily Inspiration

In this month of ELUL w …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

In this month of ELUL we are working on where we want to go. At times you must let go and ask someone to push you, but you need to know where to, you must know your destination. Our final destination is to bring the redemption, we should never loose sight of what is our highest goal in life. To make this world a better place we have to look deep inside ourselves and never loose sight of what really matters.
Rabbi Mendel Futerfas, who spent many years in a Siberian gulag, tells how he learned a big lesson from a tightrope walker who was also imprisoned there.
The Rabbi asked the tightrope walker “what does one have to master to not fall down? balance? Stamina? Concentration?”
The tightrope walker answered “the secret is to always keep your destination in focus. You have to keep your eyes on the other end of the rope. But do you know what the hardest part is?”
“When you get to the middle?” Rabbi Futerfas asked.
“No,” said the tightrope walker, “the hardest part is when you make the turn. Because for a fraction of a second, you lose sight of your destination, that is when you are most likely to fall.”
In life so many times we get sidetracked from our goal, never loose hope and never give up. Continue looking straight ahead to where you want to be.
Live a little higher
Take from “60 Days A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays” by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

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