Daily Inspiration

In a letter written by …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

In a letter written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe,dated 11 of Nissan,5731 (1971), he explains the Jew’s task is to “liberate” in both spheres (the individual and contribution to the world) both physically and spiritually, “from bondage to freedom,” that is to say, to take all the things out of their limitations and “elevate” them spiritually, until every detail of the daily life is made into an instrument of service to
For example, even in basic things like food and drink, etc. that we use and need for our survival- a person nevertheless has the power to transform the physical necessity into a new and incomparable higher thing: He eats for the purpose of being able to do good, to learn Torah and fulfill Mitzvos, this transforming the food into energy to serve G-d. Moreover, in the very act of eating he serves G-d, for it gives him the opportunity to make a blessing which liberates and elevates the g-dly sparks contained in the food.
In our daily lives we will always encounter situations that are “Mitzrayim” (Egypt)- in the sense of restrains and constrictions, which tend to inhibit and restrain us from developing in the fullest measure and potential. This limitations and hindrances are both internal- unborn traits and acquired habits; as well as external- the influences of our environment. Pesach is the time of our “Liberation.”

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