Daily Inspiration

I’m sorry to repo …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

I’m sorry to repost such sad news, but I think it is important that people know what is really happening in Israel. For the last five months constant stabbings from Palestinians against Jews . The worst part is that none of this has a been correctly informed to the world by the media as you can see in this post. Most of these tragedies haven’t even been in the news except for Israeli news outlets.Most of these terrorists are Israeli Arabs who live in Israel and go around anywhere they want. They live in nice homes and are not lacking anything.
The Palestinian authority continuously incites their youth to go out and kill Jews. They have sold them the idea that Israel is an oppressor who stole their lands. Nothing is farther from the truth. Israel has NEVER belonged to the Palestinians. Before the UN gave it to the Jews after WWII it was in Britains domain. Jews have lived in Israel for thousands of years. Most Palestinians come from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and other Arab countries.
It is very important to be informed with the truth and not fall into the lie that sadly they have been able to bring themselves and the world to believe.
May Shlomit Krigman’s Z”L memory be of blessing.

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