Daily Inspiration

Every Friday,18 minutes …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Every Friday,18 minutes before the sun sets, Jewish women around the world invite the Shabbat into their home by kindling the Shabbat candles. Imagine for one moment, how throughout the Shabbat women are constantly bringing light to their homes and the world .
When Shabbat begins in one place it has yet not come to another, and when its ending in another part of the world is just beginning. So for 25 hours the world is infused with tremendous light and peace.
The Kabbala teaches that the candle represents different aspects of the relationship between husband and wife. There are four components to the candles:the vessel, the oil, the wick, and the flame.
The vessel (candlestick or cup that holds the oil or wax) represents the home, the place in which husband and wife bring all blessings to their lives. The oil or wax represent the woman, she is the fuel of her home. She makes sure that everyone is taken care of by making the home a place conducive to Torah values and acts of love and kindness. The wick represents the husband, the one responsible for the physical well being of the family and the Torah knowledge into the home.Finally, the flame represents H”S.
It is the wife’s understanding that helps her husband connect to our true reality and the source of all blessings.
And just as the Divine oil cannot produce light without a material wick, neither can a wick be ignited without the oil.
It is through the partnership of husband and wife that the light of G-d can shine in their home.

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