Daily Inspiration

“And I,Daniel, alone …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

“And I,Daniel, alone saw the vision, but the people with me did not see it;yet a great terror befell them, and they fled into hiding.”(Daniel 10:7)
“But if they did not see the vision, why were they terrified? Because though they themselves did not see, their souls saw.”(Talmud,Megilla 3a)
The Shabbat before Tisha B’Av is known as “Shabbat Chazon” (Shabbat of Vision) because of the Haftorah (prophets) read in Shul, which begins “The vision of Isaiah…”(Isaiah 1:1-27)
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev explains Shabbat Chazon with the following metaphor.
A father, who loved his son very much, gifted him with a beautiful suit, but the child was immature and didn’t appreciate such a fine gift. He didn’t take proper care of it and ruined it. The father made another suit and gave it to his son, but this time too the suit was also destroyed. The father made a third suit, but this time he didn’t give it to the son, instead he shows it to his son once in a while, hoping that one day his son will grow up to appreciate and properly care for the gift. This induces the child to improve his behavior and refine his character traits. When the father sees his son is ready to enjoy the gift he will give it to him.
On “Shabbat Chazon,” says Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, each and everyone of us is granted a vision of the third and final Temple, although we can’t see it with our eyes our soul can see it. This awakens in us a profound response in us, that although we can’t see it, subconsciously it gives us inspiration to continue building and rectifying this world for its final intention.
The three suits represent the garments of our souls: thought, speech, and action. Just as garments are interchangeable our thoughts,speech,and actions can also be changed. We are not stuck with a crappy personality or acquired habits. We can always rise above this and think,speak,and act in the way H”S intended us to live. By doing this we will bring the world to perfection and it’s intended way.
#shabbatshalom #shabbatchazon #moshiach

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