Daily Inspiration

After one month of a ch …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

After one month of a charged spiritual life, today we wake up to ?
We all go back to our daily lives, as it should be. The question is, “did something shift in you?” “Are you the same as a month before?”
This week we begin the Torah anew with “Bereshit” (In the beginning), “In the beginning, G-d created the heavens and the earth.” (Bereshit 1:1)
This sentence states that G-d created both spirit and matter, the spiritual and the material are both a creation of H”S.
People think that they have to choose between living a materialistic existence and a spiritual one. Actually there is a third choice and that is to live a G-dly life in which we can merge both the spiritual and the material.
G-dliness -or holiness is not the same as being spiritual. Spirituality can lead to holiness, but in itself it’s not holiness.
Spirituality can be very self centered, the reason is because it satisfies the ego and not the Divine.
Another difference between the two is that spirituality separates itself from the material. Holiness on the other hand, uses the material and it sanctifies it. For example: a person works very hard and earns a lot of money. Instead of using this money to feed his desires and pleasures, he uses to give his family a comfortable life, helps others, helps build his community, etc…
Another example would be:”Why do you take so much care of what you eat and exercise?”
If it is to look good, live 120 years, or because a certain way of eating and living is your religion, then it’s very self centered. But if you do it because H”S gave you a body to fulfill the purpose and mission given to you. You need to take care of your body and health so you can do it the best way possible; this approach is G-dly.
Everything we do depends on our intentions and agenda behind it.
So ask yourself:”what kind of life are you leading: a materialistic life, a spiritual life, or a G-dly life?” Some excerpts from “60 Days” by Simon Jacobson

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