Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Tov! The m …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Tov!
The month of MarCheshvan is a bitter month, the word “Mar” comes from “Maror” (bitter). It is the month when the leaves start falling off the trees and the vegetation would seem to be decaying. It is the rainy season in Israel. Not even a month like Av, which is the saddest month in our calendar would be called bitter. Why is this? As sad as the month of Av is there is a spiritual component attached to it, whereas the month of MarCheshvan has no spiritual component whatsoever. It is the only month in the whole year where we don’t celebrate anything and that is why it’s called BITTER.
The original Hebrew name of this month was “Bul” which is connected to “Mabul” (the flood). The name MarCheshvan was given after the Babylonian exile by the Babylonians.
There are two mayor events that occur in this month that could give us a glimpse into the meaning of this month. One was the Flood which occurred on the 17 of Cheshvan and the death of our matriarch Rachel on the 11th of Cheshvan. Rachel died on her way to the Holy Land giving birth to Jacobs last child Benjamin. Rachel was buried in Bethlehem in the outskirts of Israel so when the Jews would be Exiled she would be with them and they could be comforted by her. Benjamin on the other hand was born entering the Holy Land. One represents Exile and the other one represents Redemption. Just as the Mabul represents death and desolation and the arch represents hope and a new beginning.
This is the message of this humble month: “don’t despair, when you think everything is coming to an end in reality it is just a new beginning, underneath the soil new life is being germinated, so never give up.”
Live a little higher

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