Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!! Wis …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!! Wishing you a beautiful new month of Tevet.
Interestingly, the whole month of Tevet is geared towards rectifying our anger and transforming unholy anger into holy anger.
The Parashah this week “Vayigash” (stepped forward). “Yehudah approached (Yosef )and he said, please my master, allow your servant to speak in the ears of my master and do not become ANGRY at your servant for you are like Pharaoh.”(Bereshit 44:18)
At this moment in the saga of Yosef and his brothers, Yosef had become the Viceroy of Egypt, the brothers had come down to Egypt to buy food (for all the world was suffering from famine) and they hadn’t recognized their brother Yosef but he had recognized them. He realized that his dream of the brothers bowing down to him had materialized and he decided to make them suffer what he had gone through by what they had done to him. He put his silver goblet in Benjamin’s sack pack and made him look like he had stolen it. This whole scheme didn’t come from an angry place, it came from a place of compassion towards his brothers. Yosef wanted them to do Teshuvah. By putting them in a similar situation of what they had done to him, he gave them the opportunity so this time they could do the right thing.
This is an example of holy anger. Yosef was not getting back to them, he understood that everything that happened to him was meant to be. He would’ve ended up in Egypt as a slave, in prison,and ultimately Viceroy of Egypt anyways because that was H”S plan and his destiny. But that the brothers were the messengers of such evil that was something they had to fix, this came from their free choice.
So here they are twenty years later with the opportunity to regret their actions and do Teshuvah.
It’s never to late to do the right thing. Anger is consuming and destructive, when we understand that what happens to us comes from H”S and that ultimately is good we will never be angry.

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