Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!!! Wi …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!!! Wishing everyone a blessed month of Kislev full of open and revealed good.
During Kislev, the month in which we celebrate Chanukah,our hearts are specially opened to receiving eternal messages through altered perpetual states of dreams and spontaneous visions. The revelation of true visions arises out of our departure from restricted levels of ordinary consciousness as we enter into the realms of the miraculous.
King Solomon, the wisest man that has ever lived, received the majority of his wisdom through dreams. The essence of wisdom is “bitul” (the ability to nullify the ego). When we are able to nullify our ego, we become refined. By doing this we may transcend our perceptions of what we think is the reality and enter a place in which we tune into realms that defy time. Otherwise, our dreams are manifestations of our altered ego which are dormant in our subconscious
Excerpts from “The Twelve Dimensions of Israel.” By Nechama Sarah G.Nadborny
Learn more about this month and dreams looking for the Link in the Bio or go to www.livealittlehigher.com

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