Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Tov We ar …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Tov We are entering into the new month of Adarll. This year is a leap year so we get to celebrate double. Don’t forget to increase every day in your joy ( this is the SECRET for a beautiful life). In fifteen days we will be celebrating the holiday of Purim, in this holiday we wear costumes, give food to the poor and gifts to our friends ( mishloat manot), we get to listen to the Megillah and enjoy with delicious food.
Purim teaches us the secret of Joy. No matter what is going on in our lives that we might think that G-d has completely forgotten us, in reality he is just hiding and moving the strings. If we look closely we will be able to see His divine intervention (Hashgacha Pratis) at every instant. That is why in Purim it is proper to wear costumes, to show that reality is not what it seems and H”S is with us all the way.

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