Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!!! To …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Tov!!!! Today we begin the new month of Shevat.
Amongst the many teachings this month has to share comes one of the secrets of happiness.
The tribe that rules this month is the tribe of Asher.
When this tribe settled in the land of Israel they became the producers of the Olive Oil for the whole region. Their wealth not only came from their business, it came from their happiness. “Asher” comes from “Ashrei” (Happy), and their happiness came from being happy with their lot. They never looked at what other people had, they only looked at what they had and were immensely grateful for all their blessings.
They were such refined people that even the Kohen looked to marry into this tribe.
May we take this lesson to heart, let’s infuse ourselves this month by being aware of all our blessings and let’s be grateful for them.

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