Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Tov …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Tov!!!!!
Today we begin a magical, full of open and revealed month of miracles.
This is the month in which Chanukah is celebrated. This is the month in which we are reinforced with the faith that light always supersedes darkness.
The energy of the month of Kislev is auspicious in redirecting our vision and refocusing on our strength as “lamp lighters”, for the collective mission of the Jew is to light the way. To bring clarity in a world of confusion.
By living up to this ideal and reconnecting to our essence by fulfilling Mitzvahs (acts of love and kindness) we will be able to illuminate everything around us bringing strength, hope and courage to those who find themselves in a dark place.
When we light the Menorah it is customary to sit and watch the flames and do nothing else for 30 min. This helps bring back our vision of our purpose in this world. The lights illuminate us so we can go on and illuminate someone else and so on.

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