Daily Inspiration

Rosh Chodesh Elul Tov!! …

By June 7, 2019 No Comments

Rosh Chodesh Elul Tov!!! Wishing everyone a very prosperous and high achieving month.
During the month of Elul, our sages teach, “the King is in the field.” Meaning that during the year H”S is in His Kingdom in the higher realms but in the month of Elul G-d reveals Himself at a level which can be grasped by man within the framework of his mundane reality.
H”S descends to our level in the field because a field is a place where grain grows. When grain grows we convert it into food which sustains us, this process requires a great deal of effort from our part.
This alludes also to the fact that we spend most of our daily time immersed in our material needs by earning a living. Why would H”S create a world in which we spend most of our time in material pursuits rather than spiritual ones?
The reason is that by elevating the material world we create a dwelling place down here for the King. When we use our resources and use them for holy pursuits we are living up to our purpose.
The King’s presence in the field represents the ultimate purpose of creation.
H”S is so accesible this month to us, we don’t need to make a big effort to approach Him. Take advantage of the moment and make sure to get closer to Him by learning more Torah and doing more Mitzvahs, He is waiting for you.
Adapted from Sichos of Shabbos Parashah Shoftim,5750

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